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Summer Term

Characteristics of Effective Learning

  • Playing and Exploring
  • Active Learning
  • Creative and Critical Thinking

These characteristics are encouraged, developed and supported to enable children to make progress in all areas of learning and development.

Communication & Language

In group time, encourage the children to sit for a short period of time for registration and the welcome song.
Share any news, including Olive and Otis the Owl adventures.
Books and rhymes indoors and outside.
Small groups Lift-Off to Language sessions throughout the week.
Positive role modelling, listening and following simple instructions.
Song of Sounds at Circle Time.
Talk about experiences, including Summer holidays.

Expressive Arts & Design

Join in with singing songs and rhymes daily.
Movement sessions, circle songs and parachute games.
Use the ribbons or scarves to move expressively to the music.
Offer a variety of small world resources to enhance their imagination and build stories around their play.
Opportunities for a range of sensory activities.
Mark-making activities on a large and small scale.
Water and sand provision readily available.


Draw the children's attention to the importance of books in the setting both inside and out, model how to handle them.
Interactive books, story sacks and children's choices on a daily basis, either 1-1 or within small groups.
Pirate stories and number books linking to topic and interests.


Develop the children’s knowledge of numbers, shapes and sizes through a variety of engaging activities.
Give opportunities to problem solve with puzzles and games.
Tipping and pouring activities.
Talk about different forms of transport and categorise them into groups, talking about the number/quantity, types, size and colour.
Number and rhymes and poetry will be our focus at group times.

Personal, Social & Emotional Development

Warm welcome, learning the routine and boundaries.
Ensuring all children are supported with the setting process.
Support the children with social interactions, sharing and friendships.
Support the children with hand-washing and toileting.
Promote the importance of eating well and healthy food choices.
Encourage independence in managing belongings, e.g. coats and bags, and include sun safety in discussions.

Physical Development

Outdoor play available in all weathers, including the large garden with balancing and climbing equipment.
Opportunities for nature walks on the school field and using the outside classrooms.
The bikes and scooters are available on the tarmac road playground.
Encourage the children to be independent in self-care.
Opportunities for large physical movement outside moving in a range of different ways.
Movement and yoga sessions indoors.

Understanding the World

Exploring which materials can float or sink.
Doing some experiments around this.
We will be talking about and researching which creatures live in the sea.
The children will be able to share their own experiences of trips out or holidays with their families, linking back to seasonal changes and sun safety.