Acceptable Use Policy
Mobile Device Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
Within Biggleswade Academy the use of the iPad to access the internet and school network will be monitored and filtered, in line with other Biggleswade Academy policies which can be viewed on the school’s website.
Biggleswade Academy will set up a management account to download and update appropriate curriculum applications and lock internet browsing and apps on iPads to age-appropriate settings.
Whilst iPads are connected to the BA network they will be subject to the Academy’s monitoring and filtering systems. However, Biggleswade Academy cannot be responsible for any websites or resources that students access outside of the school network such as when used their an internet connection at home, restaurants or hotels, etc. Please contact your internet service provider to identify how you can apply appropriate controls on your home WiFi network.
E-safety and 1:1 iPad usage agreement
We believe that it is important for students to develop digital responsibility and safe practices when accessing the internet and using technology.
In order to achieve this:
Parents/Carers and pupils can expect the Academy to:
- Instil a sound understanding of e-safety and to reinforce this frequently throughout the year.
- Provide secure filtering of web content.
- Have clear routines for the management of devices.
- Ensure pupils use iPads as a tool to achieve the project’s educational aims.
- Ensure that pupils manage their time to ensure the devices are used purposefully.
- Reward and celebrate productive and creative use of iPads to achieve learning aims.
- Have clear sanctions in place for breach of class rules about safe iPad usage.
The Academy expects pupils to:
- Adhere to each teacher’s rules for iPad usage.
- Refrain from playing games or making recreational uses of the iPad during the school day.
- Show understanding of the good e-safety practices and be willing to show their iPad to staffand parents on request.
- Use the iPad purposefully and only to achieve the aims of a lesson.
- Cite resources and be mindful to respect copyright when using content published on the internet.
- Apply the school’s rules for respectful behaviour towards staff and pupils to any communication made via electronic means.
Parents/Carers can support their child’s development of digital responsibility by:
- Being aware of e-safety such as by following the top tips found on ‘thinkuknow’ website ( or by attending e-safety evenings at school.
- Creating clear boundaries for iPad usage at home including time restrictions.
- Asking their child to show their work and by encouraging them to be open about they are using the device at home and school.
- Working with their internet service provider or software companies such as OpenDNS to apply robust Parental Controls to devices that their child will have access to at home.
To encourage use as a fully immersive digital device, Biggleswade Academy will allow students to use their own Apple iTunes account to install their own music, books, films and apps. However, they must comply with the following guidelines:
Students must NOT:
- Use their iPad to access content or websites that are inappropriate or illegal.
- Ignore copyright – any media placed on the iPad by students must be their own or copyright-free.
- Install apps that are age inappropriate or offensive. Biggleswade Academy will set appropriate content restrictions and may remove any apps/media that it considers to be inappropriate. No filtering system is 100% reliable.
- Our mobile device management solution, Meraki, has been installed to allow core systems and services to be centrally provided. For example school Wi-Fi Access and Applications. The profile must not be deleted or the device un-enrolled from the MDM solution.
- Use the iPad to engage in any kind of criminal activity, gambling, spamming, hacking, etc.
- Use the iPad to take photographs/audio/video recordings of any other students/member of staff without their consent or to take or share photos with inappropriate content.
- Students must also make sure that they use the iPad in all lessons in accordance with the class rules of the relevant teacher – some uses and activities may only be allowed in certain subjects or at certain times. In order to retain possession of the iPad, students must comply with the code of conduct: failure to do so may result in access to the iPad being withdrawn.
Please note the following:
- Any violations by pupils will be taken seriously and 'Biggleswade Academy' will take appropriate action, including loss of school internet access, restrictions on use.
- Where necessary in order to investigate an issue Academy staff will confiscate and search the contents of an iPad.
- Parents will also be informed where these guidelines have been breached.